SEX CRIMINALS Volume 2 Humps into Stores


I hear a lot of people in comic shops and around the water cooler (yeah, people still do that!!) either getting SEX CRIMINALS confused with Image’s other awesome title SEX, or thinking they are one in the same. While the two comics are both equally awesome, they are for very different reasons. Where SEX is all about a realistic and gritty reimagining of Gotham and all it’s inhabitants, SEX CRIMINALS take a more lighthearted and comedic path. 

SEX CRIMINALS skillfully mixes hard core science fiction with absurdist comedy and a pinch of action in what amounts to one of the most unique books in recent memory. It follows young Suzie (a regular gal) as she discovers she has a truly remarkable gift that allows her to stop time whilst having sex. Shortly after she discovers this new ability, she finds another named Jon with the same power and the results are wild and insanely fun leading to…wait for it…robbing banks together of course!? Just go with it folks, because what ensues is fun, charming, and laugh out loud ballsy.

The first collected volume has been on store shelves awhile now including issues #1-5, and this week sees the release of Volume 2 housing issues #6-10 continuing the journey. Here’s what’s in store:

The second storyline from the Eisner-award winning SEX CRIMINALS finds the honeymoon to be over for Jon and Suzie. Once the thrill of new lust fades, where do you go? Come along and laff and love with Matt and Chip as they brimp back ceaselessly against the past.

In a nutsa…errg I mean nutshell, this is simply a book you cannot miss. I can safely say that anyone I know who has read it, has in turn recommended it to a friend. It’s just got that right kind of spark that stretches the imagination, makes you laugh out loud, and underneath it all finds a way to maintain a level of heart.

So go on all you shy little puppies and pick up the first two volumes of SEX CRIMINALS already. And while your at it, pick up SEX as well! And since we are dishing out advice, maybe skip 50 SHADES OF GREY.

Words by Jason Furie

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