PROPHET Ends Again in EARTH WAR Mini-Series!

Prophet was forged in the glory days of the 90′s when dudes were dudes and babes were babes. Original creator Rob Liefeld was all ready to throw Prophet into the X-FORCE mix, but decided to go all “creator-owned” on our collective asses and introduced him in YOUNGBLOOD #2 with Image Comics. Soon after, he starred in his very own Image book simply called PROPHET. All said we got the original 11 issue run that included a #0 issue (cooooool!), a quick and dirty second series that lasted 8 issues, and a one-shot adding up to 20 issues. Then it was all over right!? 

Not so my friends. Back in 2012 there was a resurgence in the form of a reboot that honored the number placement and began with issue #21. Huzzah! Writer/Artist Brandon Graham teamed up with other such writer/artist friends Simon Roy, Farel Dalrymple, Giannis Milonogiannis, and many more delivering one hell of a great science fiction series that was fun and bizarre in all the right ways. Over the years, the series has made it to issue $45. Then it was all over right!?

Not so my friends. Wait, did I say that already? Well, coming soon, fans will be treated to what is touted as the final…final arc to this epic adventure called PROPHET: EARTH WAR. And it’s the beginning of a 6-part mini-series. It’s from Brandon Graham, Giannis Milonogiannis, and Simon Roy. Here’s a little bit of what to expect straight from Image:

THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO PROPHET BEGINS HERE! A clone general goes against his Brain-Mother overlords to gain control of an alien egg. Start of the final six issue mini-series.

What was old is new again…again. In any case, I don’t care how many times they want to refresh and reboot this series. It’s a complete blast and I will always be hungry for more. You can catch up with the reboot as the first 4 trade paperbacks are on shelves now, and you can look forward to EARTH WAR when it lands on shelves later this month. 

Words by Jason Furie

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