Need More Thanos in your Life? INFINITY GAUNTLET Has You Covered.


I’m a HUGE Marvel fan. Always have been. I’m absolutely loving their current all encompassing SECRET WARS mini series that is changing the Marvel landscape as we know it. I eat this shit for breakfast on a daily basis and even I can admit when things get a little too convoluted and a bit too confusing. Now is one of those times. Sigh.

If you are mainly sticking to the 8-issue SECRET WARS mini series…well good for you because you are saving a crap ton of money. However, if you find yourself wanting a few tie-in books to tide you over until the next big issue I can safely tell you that INFINITY GAUNTLET is a book well worth picking up. Writers Gerry Duggan and Dustin Weaver are crafting a heartfelt and engrossing tale about a small family trying to stick together as their crazy-ass world attempts to consume them at every turn. And big bad Thanos is rearing his ugly head around every corner of this book for those of you sick of the cinematic universe teasing him over and over again. And did I mention Weaver doubles as the main artist for this series and is knocking it out of the damn park. 

INFINITY GAUNTLET is book that is familiar to Marvel aficionados yet somehow feels completely unique. I think the best arcs in a Marvel comic book are the ones that can stay in line with the universe as a whole, but can also function as a stand-alone story that doesn’t go sour once the main event is over. I have a feeling this series is going to be a great tale completely on its own for years to come. And it will give  fans of Thanos something to chew on since the movie-verse is short changing us over and over again teasing the inevitable whenever they get the chance.

This week marks the arrival of issue #3 in this series. I say go for it and pick up the first few issues and catch up already. I don’t think anyone out there will regret it and if you only pick up a few tie-in books over these next few months, you really can’t go wrong with INFINITY GAUNTLET. It’s fun, action-packed, well written with stellar art and MAYBE something really cool with a dog happens…maybe.

Words by Jason Furie

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