Marvel's THE BLACK VORTEX Mini-Series Starts Now!

I’ve got some great news for those of you out there who love spending $5 on a single comic book and possibly getting roped into reading a title not normally on your “must buy” list. That’s right, Marvel is at it again with yet another crossover mini-series that promises a lot of “oohs” and “aahhhhhhs” healthily balanced with a few “oh no you diddints” for good measure. I am of course talking about the mini-series known as THE BLACK VORTEX…dun dun dunnnnn! If that title doesn’t and you, I just don’t know what to do with you quite frankly.

THE BLACK VORTEX will wrangle in the X-MEN and THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY in an epic sci-fi battle Royale that actually sounds quite promising and the event kicks off in THE BLACK VORTEX ALPHA #1. Here’s what Marvel has to say:

THE BLACK VORTEX STARTS HERE! The Black Vortex, an ancient artifact imbued with immeasurable power, is now in the hands of Mr. Knife! With billions of lives potentially at stake, Peter Quill, the Legendary Star-Lord, is going to have to dust off his thieving gloves.

Ok cool. There is likely more to it than that, but I think leaving an aire of mystery is in order here. All you need to know is that the “Black Vortex” is a mysterious artifact of immeasurable power capable of changing the Marvel universe as we know it…great…because we really need another one of THOSE romping around the Marvel Universe. Here’s a rundown of what you will be spending your hard earned money on in the near future:

THE BLACK VORTEX ALPHA #1 hits shelves this week with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #24, LEGENDARY STAR-LORD #9 and ALL-NEW X-MEN #38 following in the same month.

March will see the release of ALL NEW X-MEN #39, GUARDIANS TEAM-UP #3, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #25, NOVA #28, and LEGENDARY STAR-LORD #10.

And we will round out the event in April with CYCLOPS #12 (whoo-hoo!), CAPTAIN MARVEL #14, and LEGENDARY STAR-LORD #11 with things finally coming to a close with THE BLACK VORTEX OMEGA #1.

Phew, that’s a lot of books between a lot of different series’. The good news is almost all the titles mentioned above are stellar and have been getting a lot of great praise lately. So hopefully Marvel has a great crossover here for fans. I will say, it was a blast the last time the X-Men and Guardians crossed paths. Fingers crossed. 

Words by Jason Furie

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