Why Aren't You Reading TOOTH & CLAW!?

Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You venture out of your little Hobbit-hole (much like myself) every week (rain or shine…most of you) in order to get the latest and greatest comic book and you DON’T read Image’s latest TOOTH & CLAW!? There is something sickeningly wrong with this. Didn’t you learn your lesson by not buying SAGA since issue #1? Image Comics is where it’s at and TOOTH & CLAW is another home run and smells a lot like success to me so far.

Oh, I suppose I didn’t get the company memo…TOOTH & CLAW is now apparently called AUTUMLANDS: TOOTH & CLAW. Sounds even sexier in a “they probably got threatened to be sued if they didn’t do that kind of way” if you know what I mean AND I think you do! I could be wrong…just get the damn title right when you are talking about this amazing new book around the water cooler ok.

AUTUMLANDS: TOOTH & CLAW written by Kurt Busiek with art by Ben Dewey and wonderful colors by Jordie Bellaire (yeah the same colorist as the jaw dropping PRETTY DEADLY) is a fantasy epic starring a colorful cast of human-like animal creatures as they struggle to understand the magical world they live in, attempt to restore balance, and deal with the consequences of meddling with powers beyond their full control. Yes, we’re talking about humanoid animal wizards here people stay with me. If that mini synopsis doesn’t convince you, I dare you to just flip through an issue whilst you’re at the comic shop this week. Go on…I dare you. If my words don’t sell you, Dewey and Bellaire’s whimsical and vibrant art will nab you and then Busiek’s engrossing tale will nail it home creating a solid book that most definitely deserves your attention.

By the time you read this, AUTUMLANDS: TOOTH & CLAW issues #1-3 will be on store shelves so there is really no excuse to not catch up. And as a side note, the first issue is a double-sized issue with no ads and ALL 3 issues thus far are a measly $2.99 each. Take THAT fence setters!

Words by Jason Furie

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