Saturday Dec 18 7pm - CLUSTER F@#K - a group show featuring hellafine art

Mission: Comics & Art and Everybody Get Up presents: “CLUSTER F@#K - a group show featuring hellafine art”.

Opening Reception: Sat. Dec. 18 7pm - 11pm
Showing: Dec. 18 - Jan 11

With “CLUSTER F@#K” the Everybody Get Up crew is bringing together not only their own comic book/graffiti/illustration inspired artwork, but work by many of their frequent contributing artists to create a show of pure awesomeness. While managing their own gallery space in Alameda for the past four years, Everybody Get Up has put on numerous shows with a focus on making fun, accessible and affordable art available to everyday people, and at the same time gathering a community of like minded artist. So while Everybody Get Down’s own gallery is shutting down, “CLUSTER F@#K” keeps the ball rolling, with the promise of more to come.

Everybody Get Up is originally made up of three East Bay Artists. Nobody, Sumbody and Anybody have been working with and inspiring each other since 2006. The Everybody Get Up mission began with a lot of beers and a lot of street shenanigans. The three artists are close friends and one of the reasons they came together is because they believe in art, fun and perhaps most significantly that it’s okay to sell art at affordable prices so that the people who enjoy and appreciate it can actually own it.

For more info:


Saturday Jan 22nd - "The Last Charge" by Bean Gilsdorf - Opening Reception


Sat Dec. 11th - "Glamazonia: The Uncanny Super-Tranny" Reading and Signing