"All-New Marvel Now!" SECRET AVENGERS #1 Sneaks onto Comic Shelves

For those keeping score at home, SECRET AVENGERS (2014) is the third reboot of sorts for this series kicking back to #1 again in what is dubbed the “3rd Volume” of the series. Long-term fans can just shake their heads and keep reading, while newcomers like myself can softly enter the scene here with the All-New Marvel Now SECRET AVENGERS #1 issue landing in stores this week.

Now’s the point of the post where I admit I have never read any SECRET AVENGERS books yet, but am willing to start now that writer Ales Kot (ZERO) is on board along with artist Matthew Wilson (WONDER WOMAN) in a shiny new #1 issue. I like the concept of an Avengers secret ops team tasked to handle what the big boys (*cough* Captain America and Iron Man *cough*) can’t since they are in the public limelight. It will be interesting to see where this book goes.

Check out this brief synopsis from Marvel to see what we are dealing with here:

SAVE THE EMPIRE, Part One. The all-new Secret Avengers are ready to get started. Are they going to be the world’s most effective secret squad? Or will their personal issues tear them apart? U-DECIDE! Three missions kick off at the same time: one in the space, one on the ground…and one in the air. And no one’s ready. Except for the attackers. Russian spa. Helicarrier. Space station. Falling satellites. A hired hitman with nothing to lose. The Fury. WAIT. Yes. THE FURY. Why is Hawkeye still around? And why are these people chasing him? Why are Black Widow and Spider Woman in a Russian spa? Do questions in teasers excite you? RUN THE MISSION, DON’T GET SEEN, SAVE THE WORLD. NOW!

So yeah. This seems fun. With a main roster featuring the likes of Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Spider-Woman, Agent Coulson, and the giant-headed M.O.D.O.K things are sure to be interesting. Anyone else think it’s cool that Coulson is in the comic books now!? A character born out of the Marvel cinematic universe now filling up the pages of the comic books…so cool.

Out of all the AVENGERS books floating around these days, I think it’s safe to say, due to the raw talent involved, that SECRET AVENGERS #1 just may be worth your time and hard-earned money.

Words by Jason Furie

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