Top 5 Reasons Why Batman Is Cooler Than Ever!

It absolutely amazes me that a character that was created in the late 1930’s is as popular and awesome as he is today in 2012. In the past 5 or so years we have seen, read, and experienced some of the most amazing Batman stories ever told. I have been a Batman fan as long as I can remember, and I can honestly say that being a fan has never been as good as it is today. Below is a list of the top 5 reasons why I believe Batman is cooler than ever, and why I am more a fan today than I have ever been.

1. The Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy

Let’s get the most obvious and current reason out of the way first. The Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy is arguably my favorite Batman story and universe to date. What he has done with the character of Bruce Wayne is simply stunning and it’s hard to imagine where the movie franchise will go from here now that Nolan and Christian Bale are finished. Back in 2005 we got the most comprehensive and rewarding origin story with BATMAN BEGINS followed by THE DARK KNIGHT which is easily one of the best superhero movies ever created, and now the trilogy has concluded with the admirable THE DARK KNIGHT RISES that ties up all the loose ends and gives audiences a fitting conclusion. What an amazing ride it has been and Nolan’s trilogy will go down in history as one of the best trilogies, superhero or not, of all time.


Nolan’s trilogy redefined what a Batman movie could be, and the two Batman Arkham games have redefined what a Batman video game can be. Never in my life have I played a video game based on a comic book character with such an amazing and stunning amount of detail. The Arkham video games are truly a gift to fans and are chock full of style, great storytelling, amazing game play, action, and care. Between the two games we encounter just about every character that matters and battle against just about every villain you could think of. This series is ultimate fan service for everyone that has loved Batman over the years and really reignited my love for the universe.

3. DC Universe Original Animated Movies

You may not realize this because they are not released in theaters, but DC has been making one awesome animated movie after another over the past several years. While Batman shows up in most of these animations, I can safely say that the best ones are easily BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHT, BATMAN: UNDER THE RED HOOD, and BATMAN: YEAR ONE. These stories are mature, well written, beautifully animated, have wonderful voice talent, and are a blast to watch. If you are one of the many who have not discovered how great these original animated movies are, I highly suggest seeking them out. Trust me.

4. Ongoing Batman New-52 Comic Books

Whether you are a lifelong comic book reader or new to the scene, now is a wonderful time to be a Batman fan. DC recently relaunched all of their titles opening the gate to everyone who wants in. All of DC’s titles relaunched and there are more options than there have ever been for Batman fans. Batman is featured most in BATMAN, BATMAN AND ROBIN, and BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT and is featured heavily in titles such as DETECTIVE COMICS, JUSTICE LEAGUE, and JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL to just name a few. I highly recommend heading over to your local comic book dealer to browse the rack and see what Batman comics you are most interested in. Now is a great time to jump on board because the popularity of Batman in movies and video games has lead some of todays best writers and artists toward the Batman comic universe.

5. Batman Trade Paperback Collection

As I mentioned before, Batman has been around for quite some time. Luckily for us, all his greatest stories and adventures are collected in trade paper back volumes. There are so many wonderful stories to be read in the Batman universe and there is really no better way to get caught up or revisit old stories than reading a good trade paper back. Some favorites of mine include BATMAN: YEAR ONE, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, BATMAN: HUSH, and THE LONG HALLOWEEN. Everything you see in the theatre and in video games is inspired by these wonderful stories and there is no denying their impact. While I have just mentioned a few of my favorites, I highly recommend going to your local comic book dealer and browsing the racks for a story that looks good to you. It’s never too late to build your perfect Batman comic book collection thanks to trade paper back volumes.

So there you have it folks. My top 5 reasons why Batman is cooler than ever. This really is the best time ever to be a Batman fan and I highly recommend you see the movies, play the games, watch the cartoons, and most importantly READ THE COMICS!

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