SERENITY Comic Series Returns in “No Power In The Verse” #1 This Week
The television show FIREFLY and its film sequel SERENITY is one of the most popular not-poular franchises in the history of TV and film. The show (FIREFLY) didn’t even finish its first season until it got cancelled. Then it somehow got a theatrically released film (SERENITY) to tie up all the loose ends. Then it was all pretty much over. Well, until comic books came to the rescue. Yay comics!
Since the TV and film iterations concluded, Dark Horse has been putting out a decent amount of “Serenity” books going back in time a bit mostly taking place in-between the TV show and film in the timeline. There have been a lot of charming stories over the years, and luckily for us, Dark Horse has been putting them out in collected volumes. There are 4 in total so far.
Serenity: Those Left Behind 2nd Edition (Book 1)
Serenity: Better Days and Other Stories (Book 2)
Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale (Book 3)
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind (Book 4)
These volumes are all definitely worth checking out, especially if you are a longtime fan. And luckily for us, there is another mini-series (6 issues) beginning this week called “No Power in the Verse” taking place shortly after the last arc.
The ‘verse is a complicated and dangerous place, and Malcolm Reynolds and his outlaw crew aboard the Serenity are ever experiencing tough times. When tensions rise among the crew, a call for help becomes a welcome interruption: they must track down a missing friend and the answers to the mystery surrounding her disappearance.
While it is my personal belief that Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu just needs to pick up this franchise already (it would be hugely popular), these fun comic book series’ will just have to do for now. Because sometimes a tragically short-lived single season and a hastily made film just won’t cut it. But remember, no matter how hard nerd life gets, there’s always comics.
Words by Jason Furie
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