Nightcrawler Gets His Very Own On-Going Series This April

For those of you not visiting your local comic book store regularly (shame on you!), you may have missed the fact that Marvel’s favorite blue elf has made a triumphant return within the pages of THE AMAZING X-MEN. Fans (myself included) are giddy with excitement. So giddy in fact that Marvel has officially announced that Nightcrawler will be getting his very own on-going series creatively titled NIGHTCRAWLER.

Last week Marvel teased fans with there famous one-word teasers. Usually these teases are just vague enough to get people guessing, but the phrase “BAMF!” is just too damn obvious. It would be like teasing us with the word “SNIKT”, “FLAME ON!” or “ IT’S CLOBBERIN TIME”. Ok so that last one was more than one word. I couldn’t resist. Ok already, the last 2 had more than one word gimme a break! In any case, “BAMF!"surely meant a new Nightcrawler book and better yet it will be written by fan favorite Chris Claremont who had a staggering 17-year run on X-Men back in the day! So yeah, the dude knows his Nightcrawler and fans should rest easy knowing he’s in good hands. Todd Nauck (INVINCIBLE UNIVERSE) also comes aboard the creative pirate ship as the featured artist.

Exact story details haven’t been fully revealed yet, but fans can expect Nightcrawler to team-up with Wolverine (sigh…) who has been noted as being "heavily featured” in the new title. While that may not get my gears going as much as Nightcrawler’s return, one thing is for sure; this new series has enough talent behind it to make it worthwhile.

You can expect the further adventures of Kurt Wager to his store shelves in April 2014.

Words by Jason Furie

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