New DC Comics: The Savage Hawkman
Carter Hall’s skill at deciphering lost languages has led him to a job with an archaeologist who specializes in alien ruins – but will the doctor’s latest discovery spread an alien plague through New York City? No matter the personal cost, Carter Hall must don his wings and become the new, savage Hawkman to survive!
Witness the start of a new action series from writer Tony S. Daniel and artist Philip Tan that will take Hawkman where no hero has flown before.
Witness the start of a new action series from writer Tony S. Daniel and artist Philip Tan that will take Hawkman where no hero has flown before.
Written by TONY S. DANIELThis new Hawkman series promises to strip away everything confusing about the character and get the show on the road with plenty of action. With a writer best known for his art, and the hyper-active art stylings of Tan, this should be an artistic showcase.
Art and cover by PHILIP TAN