New DC Comics: Batwing


Africa, a land of beauty – and of great horror. A land of creation and conflict. It is in desperate need of a defender, and from the ranks of Batman Incorporated comes a soldier to carry on the legacy on The Dark Knight in the most tumultuous region on Earth. Meet Batwing, the Batman of Africa!
Written by JUDD WINICK
Art and cover by BEN OLIVER
Recruited by Batman, David Zamvimbi has his base in the fictional “Tenasha City” in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but will be traveling the continent taking on crazy super-villains. Bay Area local, writer Judd Winick knows the value of bringing more diversity to comics, and itsounds like he’s working very hard and doing his research to get this African Batman right. The art on this book is going to rock. I loved Oliver’s stuff on the recent Alpha Flight #0.1 and now doubt this is going to be a nice looking comic.

I’m very intrigued to see you this book plays out!


New DC Comics: Batgirl


New DC Comics: Detective Comics