Max Bemis’ WORST X-MAN EVER is Kinda the Best!

Ahhh, now this just feels right. I’m a huge X-Men fan and things haven’t really felt right for the franchise in a long time. Big things have happened to all our favorite characters, and huge “events” have reshuffled the deck for our merry mutants causing a lot of fans to scratch their heads thinking why can’t we just have classic feeling characters starring in classic feeling stories?

Well, writer Max Bemis and artist Michael Walsh get it. Cyclops is the leader, Wolverine is decked out in his blue and gold, Storm has a mohawk, Rogue is wearing her cool green costume, and Jubilee is…wait, who cares about her amirighhhhht!? My point is, Bemis decided to craft a story that takes place outside of the main timeline and just has some fun with the franchise for a change. Let me overemphasize something…this book is FUN. And it feels classic and it looks classic too. Yes my friends, WORST X-MAN EVER is a gift to fans who just want to enjoy these characters and this universe. 

Last month saw the release of issue #1 and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. Silly me, here’s an idea of what it’s all about straight from Marvel.

Bailey Hoskins has just discovered he’s a mutant. For someone who’s never been special, never stood out, discovering he’s ‘gifted’ is truly a gift-entry into the halls of Xavier’s School for Gifted Children and into the ranks of the world-famous X-Men! Unfortunately…Bailey might just be the worst X-Man ever. Max Bemis, frontman of the band Say Anything, kicks off his first Marvel miniseries by teaming with stellar artist Michael Walsh (SECRET AVENGERS, HANK JOHNSON) to bring us the story of a misfit among misfits.

Our lead Bailey Hoskins is a really likable character and I’m sure almost anyone reading this book will relate to him in some way. And the fact that his mutant ability is pretty lame really makes him memorable. I mean, all mutations can’t be as cool as shooting optic blasts out of your eyes or controlling the weather right!? With a solid #1 issue out last month, this week we see the release of #2 of this 5-part mini-series. Here’s what you can expect.

Bailey may be the worst X-Man ever…but Mystique sees something in him! Meanwhile…he tries to fit into every part of the X-Universe! The new X-Mini by Say Anything frontman Max Bemis continues here!

So yeah, if you are anything like me and thirsting for a classic-feeling X-tale, do yourself a favor and pick up this mini-series. The only downside is that it will just be 5 issues long. I see great things for this mini-series moving forward. It’s something special for sure.

Words by Jason Furie

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