Keep Up with Matt Fraction's SEX CRIMINALS!

Anyone out there reading Matt Fraction’s HAWKEYE series for Marvel knows that the man is one talented and fun writer. Someone to keep your eye on meesa thinks. So yeah, I’ve been searching the racks for another title by Fraction and fell upon the SEX CRIMINALS Vol. 1 Trade Paperback that has issues #1-5. In short, I was very impressed. This series is not to be confused with the equally amazing Image comic simply called SEX by Joe Casey. That’s a whole other kind of awesome. One look at the plot synopsis for SEX CRIMINALS shows you that there really isn’t anything else like it on comic shelves.

Suzie’s just a regular gal with an irregular gift: when she has sex, she stops time. One day she meets Jon and it turns out he has the same ability. And sooner or later they get around to using their gifts to do what we’d ALL do: rob a couple banks. A bawdy and brazen sex comedy for comics begins here!

If you’re not convinced that this book is well worth your time yet I’m not sure what’s wrong with you! I will say that Chip Zdaesky’s artwork is the peas to this books carrots and they just compliment each other at every turn. I can’t imagine this book having a new artist and hope the team sticks together (is that a pun?) for a the long haul. Did I mention there was an underground group of people with a similar power set that refer to themselves as the Sex Police who are tasked with making sure people are playing by their rules? No? Well that’s in there and it’s pretty hilarious.

If you haven’t stumbled upon this title yet, now is the absolute best time to jump on board. Not only can you get caught up in the first Trade Paperback collection featuring issues #1-5 (thank you Image!), but you can also pick up issue #6 out this week that features a whole new story arc. Here’s a taste of what’s ahead.

After their narrow getaway from the Sex Police, Jon and Suzie are learning that this is “just the tip” of a massive iceberg. And what happens after the rush of a new relationship fades? Are they in love, lust, like, or just lame? Sexy fun times returns: We missed you so much, brimpers.

So yeah, I’ll see you at the comic shop so we can talk about how awesome this book is!

Words by Jason Furie

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