Just What is Marvel's Summer Event Series ORIGINAL SIN All About?

I have no illusions that most of my friends likely call me a Marvel “fanboy” behind my back. My deep man-crush for Cyclops from the X-Men is but one of the many reasons I am called such a slanderous name! That said, summertime is one of the most exciting times for me because it means a fresh new Marvel Comics summer event mini-series is here! HOUSE OF M, CIVIL WAR, and AVENGERS VS. X-MEN spring to mind as recent favorites!

This year, Marvel looks to be mixing things up a bit with the 8 (9 including #0) issue mini-series called ORIGINAL SIN. Not to be confused with 2009’s X-MEN: ORIGINAL SIN of course. This event series centers around the mysterious murder of the famous Marvel character Uatu (AKA The Watcher). The main 8-issue story arc will be written by Jason Aaron with Mike Deodato Jr. serving as artist.

ORIGINAL SIN promises to not only unfold the mysterious murder of Uatu, but it will also reveal some hidden secrets our favorite characters have been hiding all these years. It appears that there are still some secrets hidden deep within the Marvel universe that will come to light. Could be interesting. I’ll bet $100 that there are thousands of Wolverine clones out there that would finally explain how he is involved in every Marvel storyline since the 90’s. Just sayin.

Expect to see a lot of your favorite heroes front and center in this event including the original Nick Fury, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Punisher, Doctor Strange, Emma Frost, Ant Man, and Black Panther just to name a few.

Fans can also expect a special issue #0 hitting shelves this week from writer Mark Waid and artist Jim Cheung to kick things off! Here is what you can expect from this prequel issue directly from Marvel:

IT’S THE PROLOGUE TO THE BIGGEST MARVEL SERIES OF THE SUMMER! WHO IS THE WATCHER? That’s what Nova is wondering after his latest brush with the moon-dwelling enigma he’s encountered before! But what he discovers will have a profound effect on the young hero, as well as priming the pump for the most cataclysmic event in Marvel history! WHAT DID HE SEE?

So there you have it folks! Marvel’s big summer event starts now and continues over the next 4 months spanning 9 issues of comic book heaven including the inevitable onslaught of tie-in books that will most likely interrupt your current story lines. And like most Marvel events, what occurs here will likely echo throughout the entire Marvel Universe so it’s a damn good idea to keep up with the series whilst it’s hot! Happy Reading!

Words by Jason Furie

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Brandon Graham & Simon Roy Signing April 19 at 7pm