Fox Announces a Commissioner Gordon TV Show Titled GOTHAM


In case you haven’t heard, there has been a bidding war for a new TV series called GOTHAM that centers around the early career of DC’s very own Commissioner Gordon from the Batman-universe. While comic book fans will immediately know who I am talking about, most people out there will remember Gordon from Christopher Nolan’s BATMAN trilogy as portrayed by actor Gary Oldman (BOOK OF ELI).

Well it looks as if the bidding war has finally come to an end and FOX beat out the competition not only securing a Pilot episode, but an entire first season run. That should go to show how much faith the studio has in this property. One thing to get out of the way right now would be the fact that Bruce Wayne (AKA Batman) will NOT be featured in this television show, but series creators promise some familiar faces in the form of villains from Batman’s vast catalog. Specifically whom has yet to be revealed. Let the speculation begin!

I can definitely see this being a sweet ass show. I’ve always loved the character and it will be interesting to delve into his early career. Comic book stories are dominating the film universe so it is only natural for them to tackle TV. The recent success of ARROW and MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. prove that there is huge interest in this kind of thing. Personally, I think TV is the perfect landscape to tell comic book related stories. There is enough time to really flesh out the characters and the universe as opposed to a short (but usually sweet) 2 hour film. In short, you can count me in on this TV experiment.

GOTHAM is currently being written by Bruno Heller (ROME) and is expected to air sometime during the 2014-2015 TV Season. It is unclear if this show will tie-in to any movie or television shows already established such as MAN OF STEEL and/or The CW’s ARROW. Stay tuned.

Words by Jason Furie

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Friday Oct 11th: GLOSS OPTIMIZER- artwork by MALACHI WARD - Opening Reception