Ben Affleck IS the New Batman


Well, that just happened…

It appears that Warner Bros. Studios has officially announced that none other than Ben “Daredevil” Affleck will be the next Batman in the upcoming BATMAN VS SUPERMAN film coming out on July 17th 2015. This is HUGE news for comic book and movie fans alike.

Earlier today Greg Silverman (President of Creative Development and Worldwide Production over at Warner Bros.) said “We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most enduringly popular Super Heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some.” He continues by saying “His outstanding career is a testament to his talent and we know he and Zack will bring new dimension to the duality of this character.”

MAN OF STEEL director Zack Snyder (WATCHMEN) will be back at the helm with the tentatively titled BATMAN VS SUPERMAN and was quoted saying “Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman.” He continues with “He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retains the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne. I can’t wait to work with him.”

So there you have it. For now this is just a big ass casting announcement. No further details on just what BATMAN VS SUPERMAN will look like or be about were announced. But you can bet your cowl-wearing, red underwear missing ass that as soon as ANY new details emerge you can find out right here! Until then, let the Affleck-hating jokes commence! Ohh, Ohhh I’ve got one: "Knock Knock? Who’s there? Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck who? Ben Affleck is the new Batman…Anyone laughing yet!?

In all seriousness, I’m going to reserve judgement and ease up on the poor guy. I can see this working if done right. I trust Snyder and his vision, and let’s be honest, they could cast Martin Short as old Bat farts for all I care and I’d still be excited because we are getting more Batman action in 2015!! That, my fellow nerds is something to get excited about.

Words by Jason Furie

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