Marvel Comics is at it again with yet another mini-series for eager fans to froth over and for potential newcomers to possibly come aboard. This time it is in the form of AVENGERS AND X-MEN AXIS and it all starts this week with the release of issue #1. Notice it says Avengers “and” X-men rather than “versus” the X-Men. Yes, it is that time again when the two teams must put to the test their longstanding yet very fragile alliance to overcome an evil so great that they must toss aside their differences and kick some ass together. Take a look at the official plot synopsis for issue #1 to get an idea of what’s in store:

ACT I: THE RED SUPREMACY. The Red Skull has exploited the gifts of the world’s greatest telepath to broadcast pure hatred across the globe. Now, born of the murder of Charles Xavier, World War Hate has begun. Tony Stark discovers a secret truth that will upend not only his life, but also the lives of everyone he cares for. Can The Avengers and X-Men finally unite? Would their combined strength be enough to hold back the darkness of the Red Onslaught? Magneto murdered the wrong man, releasing the greatest evil the Marvel Universe has ever known. Now Rogue and Scarlet Witch are all that stand in its way.

Yowsa! Sounds like the poop just hit the fan, am I right!? The Red Skull possesses the power of the late and great Charles Xavier and he is going to use it to hurt people!? Sounds pretty awesome to me, and anyone following the X-verse within the past few year knows there has been an awful lot leading up to this point. It will be exciting to see how it all pans out and just how it will affect the Marvel Universe as a whole. I’m just glad people will have their attention off Cyclops for awhile and focus on a real threat…the dude needs a vacation.

Powerhouse writer Rick Remender tackles this first issue so you know it’s going to be all kinds of awesome. Throughout the series, he will be joined by amazingly talented artists in the form of Adam Kubert, Leinil Yu, Terry Dodson and Jim Cheung. Epic!

AVENGERS AND X-MEN: AXIS #1 hits shelves this week!

Words by Jason Furie

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